====== Copyrights ====== The information on this website is provided under different licenses depending on their source. In general, everything on this website, unless explicity marked /^(see exceptions below)^/, is under an open documentation license, specifically: [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/|Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)]]. Nothing on this website is intended to be used for commercial purposes in any manner. ===== Exceptions ===== - All e-mails to/from McNeese State University e-mail addresses are under the public domain (identified by //@mcneese.edu//). - All source code, as provided in their appropriate git repositories, git logs, or any snippets of the source code, are provided, are under their appropriate source code license (which is generally GPL). - Any copies of McNeese State University policies or procedures, as provided for archive and reference purposes, are provided here under fair use and McNeese State University maintains all rights to them. {{htmlmetatags> metatag-robots=(index,follow,archive) }}